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  1. 353625

    $11.99 $9.99

    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  2. 369093


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  3. 355605


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  4. 332480


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  5. 342738

    $14.99 $9.99

    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  6. Super Big Foot Cane Tip-360728 Super Big Foot Cane Tip-360728
    2 Options Available


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  7. 335037


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  8. 302832


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  9. 374523


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  10. Sherpa Wheelchair Armrest Cover Set 2-331837 Sherpa Wheelchair Armrest Cover Set 2-331837
    2 Sizes Available


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  11. 370113


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  12. 332833


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  13. 377504


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  14. 302720


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  15. 345420


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  16. 370574


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  17. Pressure Reducing Cushion for Wheelchairs-359267 Pressure Reducing Cushion for Wheelchairs-359267
    2 Options Available


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  18. 363860


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  19. 302774


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  20. 357066


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  21. 371600


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  22. 302921


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  23. 357673


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  24. 348067


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  25. 372001


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  26. 349074


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  27. 376481


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  28. 345583


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  29. 374671


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  30. 358867


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  31. 331838


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  32. 357781


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  33. 306933


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  34. 377505


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  35. 377508


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  36. 378047


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  37. Personalized Luggage Handle Wrap-359561 Personalized Luggage Handle Wrap-359561
    8 Options Available


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  38. Pressure Reducing Chair Cushion-302562 Pressure Reducing Chair Cushion-302562
    6 Options Available

    $34.99 $27.92
  39. 349605

    $9.99 $2.32

At Easy Comforts, we help make lives easier, more comfortable and convenient with a full line of mobility products, including mobility accessories such as cane tips and walker bags. Choose from high-quality, well-designed items at competitive prices.

Cane Tips for Greater Stability

Our cane tips are available in various configurations, including tripod cane tips, quad cane tips, lighted cane tips and flexible cane tips. There are also all-terrain cane tips, and an ice-gripping cane tip accessory which has steel prongs that can dig into snow and ice.

Walker Glides for Various Surfaces

Walker glides are designed for easier motion over rougher surfaces like carpeting. They come in various styles, such as gliding skis and tennis balls. We also have walker wheels that attach to a standard walker.

Wheelchair and Walker Bags and Accessories

Having a wheelchair or walker bag is extremely useful for carrying small items from one room to another, as well as for trips to the doctor and other appointments. You can choose from multiple-pocket pouches, durable bags and arm pouches. Some bags include external pockets. Other wheelchair accessories include leg blankets, comfortable arm rest and footrest covers and a rain poncho.

Other Mobility Accessories

You’ll also find other accessories to aid mobility, such as portable or telescoping wheelchair ramps, a curb ramp, standing handle, chair cushion and protective cape.

Easy Comforts — Your One-Stop Health, Wellness and Independent Living Source

From home health care products and supplies, to vitamins, supplements, mobility products, daily living aids and apparel, we offer a large inventory of items to keep you healthy, happy, safe and comfortable. This includes a full range of extremely useful independent living products for seniors, so that they can have maximum mobility and optimal health in the comfort of their own homes.



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