Silver Steps™ Anti-Embolism Thigh-High Closed Toe Stockings

Recuperate at home and give your legs the kind of therapy they need as you rest.


Embolisms often form inside the leg veins and tissues, and they are a serious medical condition that requires vigilance to prevent. If you’ve been diagnosed with a condition that may lead to the formation of an embolism, these anti-embolism stockings in the thigh-high length provide more coverage than standard compression socks.

You can get the same full-range compression with these medical grade 18 mmHg stockings as those recommended by doctors. The stretchable latex-free fabric is durable, yet soft next to your skin. That makes them comfortable to wear around the house or underneath your usual outfits when you are out and about. The stockings have strong reinforcement at the toe and the heel, protecting those areas from wear and tear damage.

Keeping them on is easy, thanks to the built-in silicone dots around the band. These are best put on and taken off using a gradual, gentle peeling approach. We offer stocking helpers that can make this task an easier one. Ideal for men and women. Sizes range from small to XL.
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