LivingSURE™ Cervical Vertebra Massage Pillow

Massage and cushion stiff, sore neck and back muscles.


Soothe stiff, sore neck and back muscles with this innovative cervical vertebra massage pillow. The easy-to-use design helps relieve neck pain and muscle tension in the shoulders and upper back — improving your quality of life. Protect cervical vertebrae, improve sleep and release stress with the pillow's acupressure points for neck muscles and back muscles. To use, just align the massage points behind your neck and relax your back. Move your neck from side to side as the cervical vertebra pillow massages acupressure points for full body relaxation, aided by the gravity of your head to provide natural traction. Helps restore proper cervical curvature with consistent use. This message cushion can also be placed on a seat. Polyurethane. 8 1/4" x 9 1/2" x 5". By LivingSURE™.
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