NativeRemedies® Mucus-Clear™ ComboPack

Get 24-hour relief with a clearer throat.


Constantly coughing? Throat clearing driving you crazy at all hours? If phlegm and mucus in your throat are causing uncomfortable symptoms like coughing, throat-clearing, lack of sleep, shortness of breath or hoarseness, turn to the two comprehensive formulas in this NativeRemedies® Mucus-Clear™ ComboPack. These powerful homeopathic medicines address the discomfort of congestion with a unique, proprietary blend of scientifically selected natural ingredients in a two-part approach. Specially formulated to work together, Mucus-Clear and Mucus-Clear Nighttime provide 24-hour relief from throat congestion, hoarseness and constant throat clearing. Safe and all-natural, they’re an effective and safe choice for decongestion, respiratory functioning and relief from thick mucus. 2 fl. oz. each. Homeopathic combopack temporarily clears excessive mucus and phlegm in the throat and lungs. Helps reduce vocal cord strain and discourages hoarseness. Helps reduce need for frequent throat-clearing and coughing due to excess phlegm in throat. Supports respiratory health and peaceful sleep.

Mucus-Clear is 100% homeopathic and contains the following HPUS active ingredients in safe, homeopathic potencies:

Active Ingredients

  • Kali bic (6C): large amounts of mucous secretion which is like jelly and may form thick yellow-green membranes, viscous and stringy mucoid secretions which hang in long filaments and are sticky, yellow or greenish-yellow and membranous in texture, profuse nasal watery discharge, violent sneezing.
  • Kali mur (6X): discharge of white mucous from the eyes, catarrhal conditions of the middle ear, earache and congestion, phlegm white and thick, stuffy cold in the head, throat swollen, pain on swallowing.
  • Kali sulph (6X): secretions are light yellow and sticky or slimy, watery or greenish matter, swelling of the Eustachian lining, colds with yellow slimy expectoration, itching of the nose.
Inactive Ingredients: USP ethanol 20%, purified water.

Mucus-Clear Nighttime is 100% homeopathic and contains the following ingredients in safe, homeopathic potencies:

  • Hepar sulph 6C: this homeopathic remedy is often recommended for people who are sensitive to the cold and is primarily indicated for colds, coughs, sore throats and congestion.
  • Kali bic 6C: useful when there is throat congestion at night, as well as sinusitis and ‘glue ear’. It may relief a sore throat and reduce coughing due to congestion.
  • Kali carb 30C: can be of great benefit for people who are adversely affected by the cold and draughts, as well as those who are exhausted and stressed. It can assist with lactose intolerance and also helps to reduce insomnia and headaches.
  • Kali mur 6C: often recommended for chronic mucus build up in the throat and lungs, as well as for nasal congestion. It can also be useful for blocked ears and ear ache.
  • Nux vom 6C: a popular homeopathic remedy that has a variety of benefits. It is often recommended for colds and ‘flu, especially where there is a blocked nose at night. It helps to calm irritability and helps those with disrupted sleep patterns, who wake up feeling irritable and are unable to fall asleep again.
Inactive Ingredients: USP purified water, USP ethanol 20%.
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